Truth Matters: Our Commitment to Fact-Checking at
At, curiosity meets credibility. We’re passionate about delivering reliable information you can trust, and that all starts with rigorous fact-checking. Here’s a glimpse into how we ensure the accuracy of the content you see on our platform:
Unwavering Skepticism:
We question everything! Our journalists are trained to be inquisitive, challenging assumptions, and approaching all claims with a critical eye. This ensures our reporting goes beyond surface-level information and delivers true insights.
Accuracy is King (and Queen):
Accuracy is core to our reputation and your trust. We verify all information through credible sources, ensuring everything we publish is well-supported by evidence. We also strive for transparency, openly acknowledging uncertainties and avoiding unfounded speculation.
Ethical Anchors:
Our journalists are champions of ethics. We never distort facts, context, or visual information, and plagiarism is a no-go zone. Upholding these principles allows us to deliver honest and trustworthy content.
Independent Verification:
We don’t take everything at face value, especially when it comes to claims from officials or those with hidden agendas. We seek independent verification from reliable sources to ensure the information we share is accurate. If something can’t be independently verified, we clearly state that.
Standing by the Truth:
We take pride in the accuracy of our content. But if an error slips through the cracks, we take full responsibility. We promptly issue corrections to ensure transparency and maintain your trust.
Spot an Error? Let Us Know!
We value your feedback! If you ever notice something amiss, you can easily report it through the “Suggest a Correction” section at the end of every article.
A Team Effort:
Our journalists are the foundation of our fact-checking process. They’re responsible for researching, writing, and fact-checking every story. Additionally, we have a multi-layered review system in place, with the level of scrutiny varying based on the complexity and sensitivity of the content.
Our Commitment to Correction:
Even with the best efforts, mistakes can happen. Here’s how we address them:
- Readers Can Help: If you spot an error, you can directly email our editor-in-chief, Emilee Wentland, at with “Correction Needed” in the subject line. Be sure to include the specific error, the date or number of the issue (if applicable), where you saw it, your contact information, and any additional details or sources to support the correction.
- We Investigate: Upon receiving a correction request, the editor-in-chief will investigate using all available resources to verify the error.
- Transparency is Key: If the error is confirmed, we take immediate action to correct it across all platforms:
- Print: Corrections will be published on page 2A of the next issue, clearly stating the issue number, article title, incorrect information, and the correction.
- Website: The article will be corrected, and an editor’s note will be added explaining the change.
- Social Media: If the error appeared on our social media channels, we’ll post a link to the corrected article and acknowledge the mistake.
- Keeping You Informed: Once the correction is made, we’ll communicate the steps taken to the reader who reported the error.
Our Promise to You:
These fact-checking policies and correction procedures are in place to ensure the accuracy, transparency, and excellence of our reporting at We believe that providing you with reliable information is essential, and we’re committed to delivering content you can trust.